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WOW Australia
The highly-anticipated WOW (Women of the World) Australia 2021 will be held in communities
across Queensland with a series of bold, conversation-provoking festivals and events taking place
throughout the year from June through to October.

An alternative to the multi-day WOW Australia Festival held in Brisbane, this year’s unique
program aims to celebrate the achievements of women and girls living in regional and remote
areas, while recognising the continued problems of gender being a barrier to achieving life’s goals.

The WOW movement is one of the largest across the globe highlighting and finding solutions to
gender discrimination and enabling women and girls to create tangible change in their

Kicking off in Western Queensland, organisers of WOW Australia are working with local women to
create day-long festivals in Charleville (4-5 June) and Longreach (2-3 July), before heading north
to Cairns (6-7 August), and wrapping up in Logan (8-9 October).

Among the line-up of leading changemakers joining local women in conversations and workshops
across different locations will be WOW Australia patron The Hon. Quentin Bryce; Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar; Queensland’s Chief Health Officer
Dr Jeanette Young, and political leaders from local and state government.

Sports and community leaders will also join the line-up, including Multicultural Australia CEO
Christine Castley; changemakers from the business community including Femeconomy, ImpaQt
Qld founder Lisa Siganto, and Regional Economic Solutions MD Leann Wilson. Financial leaders
from QSuper will also deliver finance workshops and one-on-one support to empower women.

Performances, music, comedy and fashion will be key elements of each festival, with ARIA
nominated Wannadilyakwa singer-songwriter Emily Wurramara, hyper-visual and pop inspired
Polytoxic – led by performance makers Lisa Fa’alafi & Leah Shelton – musician Áine Tyrrell, and
comedian Mandy Nolan bringing dangerous dialogue and uncomfortable collaborations to the boil
with the Country Witches Association.

Central to the WOW Western Queensland events will be fashion and performances for the new
ready-to-wear collections from Red Ridge the Label, featuring designs from over 30 local women

The Queensland Government is the principal partner supporting Brisbane-based non-profit
organisation Of One Mind to deliver the WOW Australia program, with a three-year commitment
from 2020.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said at a time when there is a national conversation happening
around how women and girls are treated in Australia, it’s important that we continue to champion
that change and to also recognise the resilience and strength of women and girls across our state.
“COVID-19 may have placed limits on how we are able to come together to celebrate, but there are
no limits set on Queenslanders’ resolve to embrace gender equality and encourage discussions about the barriers preventing women and girls from reaching their full potential, along with
solutions to overcome these challenges,” the Premier said.

“The Queensland Government is proud to be the principal partner of the revamped 2021
celebration, and we look forward to the WOW Australia Festival re-emerging in Brisbane in 2022.”
The strength of all WOW celebrations is the diversity of its participants and voices and, once again,
First Nations women’s experiences will be central to all programs.

“We are thrilled the voices of women and girls in regional, remote and rural towns will be
celebrated and their ideas for the future will be heard,” Global Advisor for the WOW Foundation
and Executive Producer of WOW Australia Cathy Hunt said.

“It is wonderful to see the Queensland Government and our partners continue to recognise the role
our conversations and celebrations play in the economic and social recovery of the state.

“We know the global pandemic has impacted the lives and livelihoods of girls and women, and
communities so as the economy rebuilds from the havoc wrecked by COVID-19, now is the perfect
time to rethink the world in which we want to live, value women’s work and find solutions to
ongoing issues of gender discrimination.”

Attendees will also be consulted on the development of the new Queensland Women’s Strategy,
which outlines the Queensland Government’s vision: that the Queensland community respects
women, embraces gender equality and promotes and protects the rights, interests and wellbeing of
all women and girls.

“It’s never been more important to celebrate the achievements of women and girls, recognise their
resilience and start the conversation on what more we can do to achieve gender equality,”
Attorney-General and Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family
Violence, Shannon Fentiman said.

“During COVID women were disproportionality impacted and their economic security was hit hard.
It’s time to rethink and find solutions on how we can put women on a level playing field with men.”
Deputy Mayor of the Longreach Regional Council Leonie Nunn said she is excited that local
women and girls have the opportunity to share their personal stories, challenges and ideas.

“I’d encourage all Queenslanders with a passion for arts, culture and celebrating women to support
this event. WOW is for everyone including men and boys and is guaranteed to be an uplifting and
life-changing experience,” Cr Nunn said.

Major sponsors and advocates for gender equality, Griffith University and QSuper, continue to
support the WOW Australia initiative and enable these events to take place, while support has also
been received for 2021 from the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, which recognises the role WOW
celebrations play in building the capacity of communities to improve their vibrancy, connectedness,
and resilience.

In addition to the WOW Australia events taking place in Charleville, Longreach, Cairns and Logan,
Of One Mind will be partnering with arts and community organisations to help deliver a series of
events celebrating women in Brisbane, Katherine in the Northern Territory, Quilpie and the Scenic
Rim, and will continue to bring conversations and stories to a wider audience through its digital
portal, The Well.

WOW Festivals and events have now taken place in more than 30 locations on six continents,
presented in partnership with UK charity The Wow Foundation, whose director Jude Kelly CBE
founded WOW in 2010.

To view the full program, including dates, locations, ticket sales, and digital activities, head to


Written by Jules Steer

Jules Steer is the Publisher of Oasis Magazine. With a career in Business Development spanning three decades, she's stressed, #blessed, and coffee obsessed ☕

A solo mum of four "determined", "focussed" and "energetic" young kids, she is often found with her head in her hands, lamenting her latest parenting fail.

A cricket-loving hip-hop tragic, very ordinary triathlete and champion cheerleader of all things #Cairns, Jules is easily recharged with Shiraz and Vodka - sometimes in the same glass.

Warning: Most situations get sweary quickly.

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